Studio Susanne Photography is opening on 14th July for studio sessions.
I’m pretty excited to be back doing what I love! And meeting new and old clients again.
I’ve done a risk assessment and been thinking about the best practises to keep us as safe as possibly.
I’m thinking this will be the new normal for a while to come.
I’ll be doing everything I can to reduce risk and keep everyone safe.
* I will wear a face mask/ covering for sessions.
* I will wash my hands and use alcohol gel before the session begins.
* I will wear clean, fresh clothes for each session that’s gone through a 60 wash.
* I will provide masks for anyone that would like to use them.
* I will ask everyone to use alcohol gel before entering the studio.
* Social distancing will be maintained where possible.
* Immediate family members can only accompany you to a session.
* All hard and soft props will be cleaned after use.
* I will deep clean and air out the studio after each session.
* I will ensure the studio is ventilated during the session.
* I will be doing only one session each day to allow plenty of time for cleaning between sessions
* I will confirm a day before that we all are well and symptom free. If anyone shows any of the symptoms of COVID-19, or if you think you may have been exposed in the last 14 days, we can postpone your session.
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