Mo’s Photoshoot
So I recently bought a new back drop and been waiting on the opportunity to try it out. It’s a beautiful textured grey/green colour – perfect for dog portraits and I have a couple of new props to try out as well never used so its very exciting to see how they photograph.
Mo came and stayed with us for the day, when her mum had to work away from Somerset. I think she actually had a very nice day with us.
She is a mix of boarder terrier / terrier and has got great hunting instincts. It only took her a couple of hours to figure out how to jump into the neighbors garden when my old dog Lottie at 13 years old, hasn’t figured that one out yet ( phew).
During the morning she slept beside me in my office, so I thought lets try the flower bonnet out for size, to get an idea what size dog it will work best for. She loved wearing it – she walked around with it on her head like she always worn one lol. Not bothered the least so I thought lets try the new back drop out with my new model! Lottie my spaniel got into the action as well but was out performed and more interested in the dog treats than sitting still.
Here are my favourite images.
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